Investigating the Implementation of Agile Project Management in Tech Start-ups: A Qualitative Approach


  • Cahyatih Kumandang STIE Kasih Bangsa
  • Ruslaini Ruslaini STIE Kasih Bangsa
  • Yessica Amelia STIE Kasih Bangsa



Agile Project Management, Tech Start-ups, Qualitative Inquiry


This qualitative study aims to investigate the implementation of Agile project management practices within technology start-ups. The research utilizes a qualitative approach, employing semi-structured interviews and document analysis to gather data. A purposive sampling technique is employed to select participants from a range of technology start-ups. Data analysis involves thematic analysis to identify patterns and themes in the data. The findings reveal insights into the challenges, benefits, and strategies associated with implementing Agile methodologies in start-up environments. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of Agile adoption within the dynamic context of technology start-ups, offering valuable insights for practitioners and researchers alike.



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How to Cite

Cahyatih Kumandang, Ruslaini Ruslaini, & Yessica Amelia. (2024). Investigating the Implementation of Agile Project Management in Tech Start-ups: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Business Law, Business Ethic, Business Comunication &Amp; Green Economics, 1(2), 24–35.

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